Magpie 22 – Manchester City Park Wardens

Anon. (1992) Manchester City Park Wardens. Magpie, 22, p11.

Manchester City Park Wardens

The Park Warden Service started in November 1991. A team of young and enthusiastic men and women have been employed and they are determined to put life into the City’s parks. With virtually no funding (we assume their wages are paid), they have already staged a number of entertaining events, the most notable (to us) being the environmental week-ends early in the year. We put on a display of woodland crafts, launching our team of badgers on an unsuspecting public. Hopefully we can do something similar in the summer (when it comes) in slightly more clement conditions.

Why don’t you go down to your local park, get to know your wardens and support them whenever they put on an event in your area. They are making great efforts on meagre resources and will welcome any help you can give them. Why not make a start by coming along to Hough End Clough, on Saturday the 16th or Sunday the 17th of May, where Wardens will be in attendance. We hope to bring you a more detailed article on the work of the City Warden service in a future edition of Magpie.

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