The upside of coal

See below for a truly extraordinary coal advert from 1975, where, looking for fresh workers, the UK National Coal Board basically says "this job is a fanny magnet." Meanwhile, I just finished Evelyn Waugh's Put Out More Flags, which some say is his best.  Published in 1942, it is about the phoney war - it... Continue Reading →

Overflows and undertows – Callon, James and so on.

Bimbling around looking for work on how economic modelling is used to 'construct' reality/possibility, I stumbled on "An essay on framing and overflowing: economic externalities revisited by sociology" by M Callon, 1998.  This (among other bits) struck me - The second attitude, typical of constructivist sociology in particular, takes the view that overflowing is the rule;... Continue Reading →

Innovation in complex systems? Oh, FFS…. And CCS

By FFS I mean “Full-Flight Simulators”.  What am I on about? So, innovation in mass produced commodity products (aka “widgets”) is, cough, relatively straight-forward.  Lots of opportunities for iteration, incremental learning, process and product innovation, tacit knowledge creation/management.    Shakeouts after the establishment of a ‘dominant design’, followed by incremental shifts that squeeze a leetle more... Continue Reading →

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