Asia Pacific Partnership

Wikipedia on it

“The partnership announced itself while tepidly pledging not to undermine the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the treaty to limit global greenhouse-gas emissions. Kyoto’s supporters clothed their contempt for the new partnership in condescension.
The birth notice of the partnership was a terse statement issued from the White House by US President George W. Bush a few hours before the press conference in Vientiane on July 28, 2005. With paternity clearly established, the US stepped back and allowed Australia’s foreign minister to chair the announcement.”
Dobell –


The role of the Asia Pacific Partnership in discursive contestation of the international climate regime

Mcgee, Jeffrey ; Taplin, Ros

International Environmental Agreements : Politics, Law and Economics, 2009, Vol.9(3), pp.213-238 [Peer Reviewed Journal]


The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate brings together six countries whose emissions account for roughly half the global total – Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea and the US – in a pact which aims to reduce emissions by assisting the private sector to create clean technologies and transfer them to developing countries.

It held its first ministerial meeting in Sydney in January. I have rarely seen a room-full of journalists as stunned as the group there were, as US energy secretary Samuel Bodman told us that private companies would solve climate change because the people in charge of them cared.

“I believe that the people who run the private sector, who run these companies – they too have children, they too have grandchildren, they too live and breathe in the world, and they would like things dealt with effectively; and that’s what this is all about,” he said.

The single word “Enron” traversed a hundred brains.

According to an Australian government report commissioned for the Sydney meeting, the Partnership does not in fact expect to cut global greenhouse gas emissions – it expects them to double over the next 50 years, even if all its projects come to fruition.

Black, R. 2006. Climate 2006: Rhetoric up, action down. BBC, December 29.


Dobell, G. 2006. THE GANG OF SIX LOST IN KYOTOLAND. Griffith Review


See also chapter in 2007 Climate Law in Australia

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