SMOTE – (social movement organisation transcience and emptiness.) Why “we” refuse to see it, say it. #ClimateTwitter

All these people on Climate Twitter, spouting variations of information deficit, or hope deficit or anger deficit. All of them studiously avoiding the key (imo) question - what do social movement organisations need to do DIFFERENTLY, given that for the last 30 plus years, they have not managed to slow the acceleration of the destruction... Continue Reading →

How/when to criticise environmental activists for being “stupid, unhelpful, lazy.” (spoiler: it’s not when they refuse to join cheerleading for aggro-capitalism)

This is going to be sweary. If you are all Omar Little, and don't like swearing, then look away now. For fucking fuckity fucking fuck's fucking sake. What kind of fucking clueless muppet chides environmentalists when they are lukewarm about some rapacious purveyor of salt, sugar, fat and protein getting in on the fake meat... Continue Reading →

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