Newsflash! Old coot finds new coot

Second 4hr30m+ yomp today. Same distance (basically to Stafford and back), but carrying an extra house brick (in a back pack) this time. Will increase the distance, and the weight. In future will make sure to be carrying enough water (today ah depended upon the kindness of strangers...) Anyhoos, right at the end, just as... Continue Reading →

Letter #10 in the FT!! On John Carpenter’s Starman and homo sapiens as asshole…

Whoop!! My tenth letter published in the FT (mostly they are on climate, but also Tom Lehrer etc, and with a roughly 50% success rate of submit-appear). In his letter (April 30) responding to Anjana Ahuja’s column about the now fixed Voyager 1 (“Rejoice! Voyager 1 is back from the dead”, Opinion, April 26),... Continue Reading →

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