Podcast recommendations given and sought. Climate, energy, psychoanalysis, film noir etc

Have gotten back into the habit of long (3 to 4 hour plus) walks along the canal, feeding moorhens, ducks, swans and now even geese. There’s only so much talking to himself a man can do (into a dictaphone), so podcasts have become the Way Forward.

Below are some recommendations from me, but also I am looking for more!

On climate. Yeah, look, I have yet to find a climate podcast that doesn’t have me rolling my eyes at the smugness, or bright-siding or self-indulgence or compulsory optimism of the hosts. Some (no names) are heart-breakingly bad, just excruciating. SO, if anyone’s got some good ‘uns, let me know.

On energy. Also a lot of bright-siding and compulsory optimism here (looking at you, Ed Crooks of the Energy Gang, a Wood Mackenzie effort), but a recent VERY good find is The Energy Transition Show, although if you want the full episode of each, it’s $60 a year. Have just started listening to Energy vs Climate, and it seems fine. It may have a fairly Canadian focus, but it will be very polite about it if it does…

On psychoanalysis – various jibber jabber (who knew that psychoanalysts could be verbose, obscure and none-too-bright) but a welcome exception is Psychoanalytic Thinking with Don Carveth. I’ve listened to his first episode on groups, regression and Wilfred Bion and was very very impressed.

Finally, on Film Noir, I did like (it’s old) Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir, especially episode 53, which was about the fabulous 1947 noir “Out of the Past.”

Other stuff – I think I could get used to Private Eye’s podcast, Page 94. It has just enough self-mockery to overcome the insularity of it all.

Recommendations please!!

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