Three questions about social movements

A friend of mine just shared this blog post by Duncan Green which begins Tomorrow night I am doing an ‘ask me anything’ session on skype with some students from Guelph University in Canada, who have been reading How Change Happens. They have sent an advance list of questions, which are really sharp. I’d appreciate your views... Continue Reading →

Infiltration and environmental movements – what is to be done? #ExtinctionRebellion #climatebreakdown #spycops

The future is not written, but there are several excruciatingly safe bets about the years ahead. atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane will continue to rise poor people will suffer the resultant impacts of #climatebreakdown hard and first the state will try to suppress social movements which seek to do anything about rendering these... Continue Reading →

What might have been, but wasn’t

How it could have been (Starting on time instead of fifteen minutes late) Having someone clearly identified as welcome/way of making sure people who don’t know anyone know where to come to etc. Having a note taker   Introductions Pairwise. "Sit with someone you don’t know. You are going to find out their name and what,... Continue Reading →

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