Skin in the game and the consequences for failure

One of the advantages middle-class people often have, and one that they are often blind to, is multiple opportunities to fail (because they goofed around/weren’t quite good enough first time round etc). Obviously even in their lives there are chokepoints, but not as many, not as consequential as for people without the cushions of money/cultural capital etc for whom Eminem’s “you only get one shot…” means something. Sure, middle-class people can fail and then fall (failing upwards, like Boris Johnson did, and many others is for the upper-classes, by and large), but it’s harder to fuck up your life.

Anyhoo, the organisations “dissident” middle-class people form or join often reflect this insouciance about things ‘going wrong’.

Here below are two quotes. The first is from a play by David Caute, called The Demonstration. It was first performed in 1969. It’s a slippery ‘play within/outside a play’ kind of thing. The second is from a recent book about the ten-plus years since Occupy.

Dott: (Anger rising) The gilded youth can always play at being Lord Byron or Andre Malraux. You  can amuse yourselves with teach-ins, sit-ins, sleep-ins, strip-ins, love-ins and all the rest, because when these escapades come to an end, you’ll continue to inherit the earth. So you ridicule the caution of the workers’ organisations, and why? Because you know nothing. You can always set up anti-universities, but when the police or the troops move into Conway Motors, the workers there can’t set up an anti-factory. 

Caute, 1970: 81

And compare quote from book by Vincent Bevins, If We Burn

 ‘Horizontalism is a trap. And I want to emphasize rather strongly that this is not some academic point. As an unnamed Egyptian revolutionary puts it: “In New York or Paris, if you do a horizontal, leaderless, and post-ideological uprising, and it doesn’t work out, you just get a media or academic career afterward. Out here in the real world, if a revolution fails, all your friends go to jail or end up dead“‘

Bevins, If We Burn

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