Four moorhens and a fun… lot of podcasts (Cleaning Up, Apocalypse etc)

As I get older, I am learning to pace myself. Wasn’t feeling 100% yesterday arvo (did Dr Termagant give me her bally cold?), so didn’t go to gym. And this morning, didn’t wear weighted jacket or backpack with bricks while went to feed the moorhens/ducks/swans before heading to the gym for a light-ish session. Probably not going to get that Gosling-esque body and six pack until August, at this rate…

There seem to be only four moorhen bairns now (pike, heron, something else?) but they are of a size and vigour that I fancy their chances.

Of the podcasts that I listened to (at 1.5 speed, which is probably a travesty, and not always advisable if someone naturally speaks fast and in complex ways – looking at YOU, Michael Liebreich:

Cleaning Up – Audioblog 13 Clean Hydrogen’s Missing Trillions. Excellent, albeit Liebreich basically reading out a blog (the clue is in the name) around the heroic/fantastical assumptions and claims on the roll-out of “green” hydrogen by 2030/2050 etc. Nice point that the electrolyser is only about 30-40% of a plant’s costs.

Cleaning Up 161 Lily Cole’s Search for Model (geddit?) Climate Solutions – the actual co-host of Cleaning Up (Bryony Worthington, not Naomi Oreskes) interviewing author/campaigner/model Lily Cole about, well, stuff. A little of the “compulsory hopium”, but that comes as standard in all these podcasts. Worth your time.

Origin story 15: Apocalypse How? Dorian Lynsky (co-host of podcast, author of a book called The Ministry of Truth, abt Orwell’s 1984) talking about his new book “Everything Must Go: The Stories We Tell About the End of the World” , which sounds rather good! [Reviewed here and here]. Worth your time.

Cleaning Up 152 – Can we have a habitable planet. David Wallace-Wells. Wallace-Wells is the guy who wrote that Big Splash climate article in 2017. Good interview with Bryony Worthington, but will appeal mostly to the policy/science geeks, esp. those who get off on the RCPs.

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