
If the word ‘’Leviacene’’ is new to you, as it was to me before the lecture, then you are not alone. Professor Runciman began his lecture with an acknowledgment that this word had only been coined by him when he was devising the lecture’s title. In summary, the Leviacene is a term which Professor Runciman uses to describe the age of state and corporate destruction we are currently living through. He also believes that it more accurately reflects the period than the word which has been used up to this point, the Anthropocene.

This is part of the “What are words for?” project.

This word scored a six on a three part scale of allusiveness, political oomph and cultural capital (min score 1, max score 3 for each part of the scale).  Lots of words did. This is one I clawed from the slushpile on a whim.

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