Climate, Batman and the slap deficit model…

The standard operating assumption of most climate “activists” and pearl-clutchers (1) is that someone In Authority (usually scientists, sometimes “world leaders” or even celebrities) just needs to Tell The Truth and everyone (aka “civil society” or, if you’re willing to wear your condescension as a green badge of courage, “the sheeple”) will wake up and Take Action.

It doesn’t matter that this standard operating assumption has been tested to destruction, and redestruction, repeatedly over the last 35 years. It doesn’t matter, because the assumption is comforting: the assumption disallows certain other thoughts and imperatives which would be far less comforting and comfortable (2).

Meanwhile, there’s that Batman slapping Robin meme.

And so…


(1) And I would include myself in that on most days

(2) Without the information deficit model, people might have to start having a close look at how power works in a society, and whether we are – any of us – actually the children of the Enlightenment. Awks, as the kids briefly used to say.

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